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A Letter of My Prayers

To The One Who Marries My Son or Daughter:

It might seem strange I am writing this. In one instance, you may not have been born on to this earth yet, but I want you to know, I have already begun praying for you. I began praying for you, the minute I was carrying your future husband or wife. Why you ask? Prayer is the greatest gift, I could ever give you.

Before we get into this too far, I want to tell you that I will not be using the term, “Daughter in Law or Son in Law,” when you marry into our family. I will refer to you as my, “Daughter in Love or Son in Love.” “Law,” sounds too legalistic for such an important role you will play in all our lives. You will be the other half to one of my most prized possessions. You will be the one they come home to each night. You will be their safe place. You will be the one they share their secrets, dreams, aspirations and fears with. You will be the one they share a marriage bond and children with. That my dear, deserves a title far greater than, “law.”

I pray for your salvation at an early age and I pray God works in your heart throughout your life.

I pray you are raised in a God-centered and abundantly loving home.

I pray you are learning the love that Jesus has for you.

I pray you are witnessing and learning the true meaning of love, so that in turn, you will love my son or daughter fiercely well.

I pray for your protection and safety. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I pray God is placing a hedge of protection over you, physically. I also pray for the protection against temptation and addiction from the laundry list of things that could grab you from this broken world.

I pray God gives you wisdom and discernment in the choices you are making each day. The choices you make today, will shape you as a person and may one day, affect things within your marriage.

I pray you have a community encouraging you in all you do.

I pray your childhood is one you’ll describe as wonderful!

I always pray for you!

Whoever you are, I will continue to pray for you and look forward to the day, your identity is revealed to us all.

All My Love,

Your Future Mother in Love