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Seasons. Just like the weather changes, much do our lives. I must say, I do feel as though I cycle seasons ten times more frequently than a calendar year, but none the less, they happen. Some days, I feel like I conquer the day like a boss and other days, well...I am thankful the kids are still breathing and the house hasn’t burned down!

I will go through days, weeks even, and seem as though life is on a nice, joy-filled autopilot. Then, out of no where—much for zero reasoning at all—I will find myself in a funk. I am a crier, admittedly. I cry at Pampers commercials. I cry watching my children play. I, for sure cry at the end of most, This is Us episodes and watching, Say Yes to the Dress, envisioning the day I get to dress shop with my daughter. I cry when I am super proud of someone or a friend accomplishes something they have worked so hard for. I cry replaying memories in my head of joyful times. I cry when my feelings get hurt. Yes, even as a grown adult. And in a funk, for no reasonable explanation, I just cry.

Now, before you start down a diagnosis of clinical depression, calm down. I would argue most women feel this way, minus the crying episodes, for some. Here is a little secret...crying is okay!!!! I believe there is a negative stigma with crying it out. I was raised to believe it was a sign of weakness. In my adult life, I have learned it is necessary, at times, to have a real good cry. The term “ugly cry,” didn’t surface for nothing, folks! Sometimes getting it out, is what is needed to move on, to have the courage to wash our face, and the strength to get moving again.

Being in a funk happens and I hope you don’t buy into the act that someone else’s life is always lived on top of a mountain or that each day is perfect. That’s a lie. The difference for some, is the ability to quickly recover from the funk. Learn to recognize you may be in a funk of sorts and create ways to overcome it. In those days, I hope you remember, it’s okay to have off days, lazy days, days to recluse, but I hope you know, that isn’t where you are meant to stay! Create a balance that still allows you to have rest but don’t forget to get back up! Cry it out if you must. Count all the things to be thankful for. Choose to power through. Choose joy!

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