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New Year, Just One

Each year comes the questions: what we will change? What will we become better at? What is our goal for this year? I imagine for many, it becomes an overwhelming topic of conversation. If you are like me, it looks a little something like this...“Tag team back again. Check its records let’s begin. Party on party people let me hear some noise.” Oh come on, don’t pretend like you didn’t just join in on those lyrics! In all seriousness, if I think about all the things that I want to be better at: working out, shedding some pounds, eating better, going to sleep earlier, letting the little things go, being a better wife, a better mom, writing a blog, publishing a book, building a business, running a children’s ministry, spending more time reading, the list is exhausting. While there is nothing wrong with the list, focusing on a ton of things at once, might not be as beneficial as we think.

What if we just focused on one thing? Just one. I recently attended the Made for More presentation from Rachel Hollis. (Side note: if you don’t follow her, you should. She’s encouraging, practical and funny.) It struck me when she said, “Just focus on one goal.” That’s it! All along, I have always had too many things as my “goal,” so instead of giving my all to one thing, I give little pieces to a ton. I spread myself too thin, in hopes to check off all the boxes and quickly burnout. Can I get an amen?

But, what if we gave our all, to just one thing at a time? Now that is something, we can ALL do. What's the one thing you dream of? What's the one goal you desire? Shift your mindset to allow yourself to be okay with focusing on one goal and chase after it with all you've got. Hear my heart, there should be no measurement of how big your goal is and absolutely no comparing. Comparison is the ultimate thief. Who cares if your goal is to go to bed earlier and your sisters is to write a book? You do you. Get it girl! Here’s the deal, stop measuring the worth of your goal to someone else’s goals, opinions or expectations of you. Focus on what is going to get YOU closer to your ONE goal and get to work! Oh and for the love, WRITE IT DOWN! Studies show you become 42% more likely to achieve your goal, if you write it down. If you are visual person, creating a vision board that you can visibly see every day is so helpful. If you are not as visual, make sure your written goal is somewhere you can read it each day. The daily reminder will help you keep your focus.

I pray in 2019, you can let go of the demands the world put on us, to do it all and I pray you can focus on one goal your heart desires. May you have a blessed, focused and successful year!

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