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Stay in Your Lane

You know her, the mom who always has it all together. The one who just makes this mom thing look so effortless. The one who, if we aren’t careful, begin comparing ourselves to, and then we start feeling discouraged about ourselves. Why do we do it, Ladies? Why do we look outside of our own lane and compare ourselves to other women? Why is it that we compare another woman’s successes or strengths to our failures and weaknesses, and then, let it make us feel like we are failing as moms?

So what if another mom throws the most detailed, thought out, flawlessly executed birthday party and you simply celebrated with your family at home?! So what if her promptly arriving Christmas card is always so picture perfect; and well...what is a Christmas card? Ugh. You haven’t been able to successfully get your kids to sit still to take a picture in the last 3 years. So what if they spend countless hours exploring every aquarium, zoo, and museum this side of Australia and you haven’t ever stepped foot in one?! So what if another mom always looks put together and you aren’t sure there is life outside of yoga pants?! It. Doesn’t. Matter. It does not make you any less of a mom and it does not give you permission to get out of your lane and start comparing yourself.

Maybe you haven’t ever felt this way, and to that I say, congratulations girl...seriously! But I have a strange suspicion if you have a social media account of any sort, there has been a time or two you’ve struggled with this. Social media outlets with filters and wrinkle removing apps have the ability to make any mom look like Julia Child, Joanna Gaines and Carrie Underwood all mixed into one. It’s impossible to measure up to that sort of platform and here you are, comparing yourself to that! Do you see how absurd that is?

Those little children of yours are just that - yours! If God thought they needed a different mom, he would have given them to her. You were made for each other and that child was uniquely knit in your womb or purposefully chosen for you, which means that you are equipped. You do not need to be like her, your children need you to be you. We are all running the race of mom life in the same direction, one foot in front of the other. There is no one to tell you that you are falling far behind or light years ahead. Stop looking into, or even crossing into another mom’s lane and start focusing on your own finish line. Stop looking at what you think are your failures and comparing yourself to another mom. Start looking at all your strengths, measures, and efforts you put into this parenting thing, and I hope you begin to see how great you already are!

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