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Wait, Your Day Isn't A Continuous Song Parody?!

I sing, like a lot. Now, I didn’t say I’m good or that it’s a God-given talent, but I do it. All. Day. Long. Music consumes so much of my day that I often wonder, “if my life was highlighted as a movie trailer, what song would I use?” It varies from season to season, but for those of you wondering, right now, I would choose Miracle by Unspoken. Haven’t heard it? Well, go check it out then! Disclaimer…you should prepare yourself for a little sway action upon listening. It just happens. I dunno how, but it does. Every time.

Music fuels me. It feeds me. It makes me happy and lifts the blahs away. “Shake, shake your grumps away.” My kids are totally used to me breaking out into a dance party at any given time. Like today, as I was asking them to tell me one thing they are excited about today, (thank you Rachel Hollis) I responded for Savannah because, well, she’s 1 and cannot respond verbally herself. Naturally, I responded with her excitement for having a clean butt since we were headed in to change her diaper. Yep, you guessed it, I busted out a little parody of, “I like clean butts and I cannot lie.” And there you have it, I am in the middle of a jam session, changing the words to make them appropriate for my little audience and belting them out. This happens throughout my whole day. I mean, lets be real, sometimes the day needs a little pick me up. Singing and dancing does just that! Too silly for you? You should try it! You might need to loosen up a bit - It’s good for your soul! Life is too short to get stuck on the blahs and well, there’s always something to be excited about! Life is a gift, I hope you embrace it and maybe, just maybe, bust out a little jig from time to time.

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